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Grand Rounds

The Paediatric Grand Rounds take place every Wednesday from 12:00 - 13:00hrs at Victoria Hospital/Children’s Hospital (in-person) or and virtually (via Zoom) from September through June. These rounds cover a wide range of basic and clinical science cutting edge topics relevant to paediatrics.

Our scheduling goal is to present balanced topics covering general, as well as specific paediatric health care.

Target Audience


Academic paediatricians, community paediatricians, family physicians, residents, nurses, nurse practitioners, and other health disciplines.



The Paediatrics Grand Rounds are designed to discuss and evaluate cutting-edge topics relevant to contemporary pediatric practice. It is a forum for information exchange and showcase excellence in paediatric research and education. The lectures are presented by the faculty of Western University and guest faculty from around the country and the world.


Professional Handshake

Paediatric Rounds is a self-approved group learning activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification program of The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

Each participant should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent participating in the educational program.

No events at the moment

Chidren's Hospital staff desiring CME credit are asked to sign in One45 and then complete the online survey. Please submit your evaluations as a way of recording your attendance. Recommendations for future speakers/or topics are also recorded from these surveys, which help determine future Grand Rounds presentation topics and speakers.

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